



Describe:As the northern headquarter of SIASUN group, Qingdao SIASUN is equipped with strong technology team.with a full range of information system solutions with data acquisition as the core, so as to truly solve the problem of islands between field devices.



As the northern headquarter of SIASUN group, Qingdao SIASUN is equipped with strong technology team. Besides the advantages in robot industry and automation application industry, it has a wealth of experience in on-site data collection, especially for old equipment, and can provide users with a full range of information system solutions with data acquisition as the core, so as to truly solve the problem of islands between field devices.

The status quo that customers face:

The equipment has been invested for a long time and is not an automatically controlled device. The operation information cannot be displayed through the electronic display device. Replacing equipment will cost a lot of money. 

The equipment is an automatic controlled with a control module unit. But there is no interface for information exchange with other devices, and many suppliers of the device are unable to contact.

In response to the need for integrating multiple devices with communication modules, SIASUN Company establishes a communication protocol directly or through the host computer system between the devices on site in order to integrate control systems from different manufacturers on site. Meanwhile, through the terminal such as a PC, a Pad or a cellphone, the operating state of the online network device can be directly viewed so that the purpose of centralized control of the device system data can be realized, and information interaction between various systems is also realized.

Based on years of experience in data collection and implementation, Qingdao SIASUN can provide customers with data collection solutions for new and old equipment on the customer's site. At the same time, through the unified management of data, it can effectively analyze equipment and production data. More valuable data can be obtained to direct the manufacturing. The internal plant interconnection can be achieved by using a unified cloud platform and more accurate manufacturing information of different branch plants and factories can be updated and controlled.  Meanwhile, the customers can know the production information in the first place so the whole order execution process can be more transparent, which guarantee the customers’ benefits.